New Law Enforcement Benefits and Recruitment Tools at FSA Summer Conference


TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Attorney General Ashley Moody is helping law enforcement agencies recruit and retain talented officers from beyond state lines. This week, at the Florida Sheriffs Association Summer Conference, Attorney General Moody spoke about the new state law enforcement benefits and recruitment tools available. While addressing law enforcement leaders from across the state, Attorney General Moody highlighted the Be A Florida Hero law enforcement recruitment tool and thanked a former Chicago police officer who answered the call to protect and serve in Florida as a Lee County Sheriff’s Deputy.

Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “I was excited to recognize Deputy Raymond Arce this week at the FSA conference. Deputy Arce heard out message while serving in Chicago and made the great decision to move here to be a Florida hero. The nation is starting to realize that, in Florida, we back the blue and our leaders appreciate and support those who risk their safety in service to others.”

Deputy Arce originally served in Chicago but didn’t feel appreciated by the community and by leadership. While scrolling through social media, Deputy Arce came across Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno talking about how great it is to be a deputy in Florida. Through further research, Deputy Arce saw Attorney General Moody and Governor Ron DeSantis expressing strong support for the profession. In March, Deputy Arce, along with wife Andrea and their two children, decided to move and officially become Floridians.

Lee County Sheriff’s Deputy Raymond Arce said, “I needed a change. I started doing my research online and every time I’d be on social media or on TV, I’d always see Governor DeSantis talking about how he appreciates his law enforcement and Attorney General Moody saying, ‘if you need somewhere to go, come to us, we appreciate our police.’ That was a big factor in my move.”

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno said, “I am proud that Deputy Arce came from Chicago to Lee County Florida to work with the Lee County Sheriff’s Office. He is coming from the city where we see little support for law enforcement and people don’t understand what it takes to be a law enforcement officer—to put that badge and gun on, kiss your family members goodbye and put your life on the line.”

As of July 1, new law enforcement bonuses and recruitment tools are available following the signing of legislation by Gov. DeSantis in April. The Florida Law Enforcement Recruitment Bonus Program provides one-time bonus payments of up to $5,000 for new Florida law enforcement officers and officers relocating to Florida from out-of-state.

The law also forms the Florida Law Enforcement Academy Scholarship Program, which covers tuition, fees and up to $1,000 of eligible education expenses for trainees in a law enforcement basic recruit training program.

In addition, certified officers who relocate to Florida may receive a reimbursement of up to $1,000 for equivalency training costs.

Recognizing nationwide law enforcement staffing issues and the lack of support for law enforcement officers in other states, Attorney General Moody launched Be A Florida Hero last year to help various law enforcement agencies promote career opportunities in Florida. The recruitment campaign’s website lists open positions across the state, all in one easy-to-search location.