AGENDA: School Board Workshop, 08 April 2019


Monday, April 8, 2019

School Board Workshop, 210 NE Duval Avenue, Madison, FL
6:00 p.m.

NOTE: To view a recording of the April 1, 2019 meeting, click HERE.

1. Welcome

2. Items for Individual Consideration

2.1 School-Based Cost Analysis

2.2 Proposed Budgets

2.3 Long-Term Planning Committee suggestions

File Attachments: Long Term Planning Committee Recommendations.pdf (424 KB)

2.4 FADSS Fiscal Study and ESE Study

File Attachments: Madison Document One Final Edit.pdf (361 KB)CAM Achievement Madison Report FINAL.pdf (204 KB)

2.5 Staffing Allocation Manual

Review and update the Staffing Allocation Manual; approve at the April 15, 2019 meeting.

File Attachments: Staff Allocation Plan Approved DRAFT.docx (47 KB)

2.6 Recommendations as previously presented by Board (Final List of Items to be placed on April 15th Agenda)

All prior recommendations from studies, prior meetings, committee suggestions will all be listed below. After a review of ALL of the above information, a consensus (not a vote) will need to be reached by the Board of which items are important to continue considering.

3. Other Items of Interest to the BoardSubject 

3.1 Superintendent’s Remarks

3.2 Attorney’s RemarksMeeting

3.3 Board Member RemarksMeeting

4. Adjourn

Any member of the public who wishes to address the Board on any agenda item, or any other topic, must sign up (including the completion of required speaker forms, if any) with the Superintendent or his/her designee at the beginning of the meeting.

During “Public Comment – Agenda Items”, the Chair shall recognize those persons signed up to peak on agenda items. When recognized by the Chair during “Public comment – Agenda Items”, a speaker may request to be allowed to make his or her comments at the time the Board considers a particular agenda item. The Chair may grant or deny such request at the Chair’s sole discretion. 

During “Public Comment – Non-Agenda items”, the chair shall recognize those persons signed up to speak on items which are not listed on the agenda but which are relevant to the District and its mission. “Public Comment – Non-Agenda Items” shall be limited to a total of 30 minutes unless extended by vote of the Board.

Unless leave is given by the Chair, all speakers will be limited to three (3) minutes. Any identifiable groups shall be encouraged to choose a representative to speak on its behalf.

The Board may act upon (including reconsideration) any agenda item at any time during the meeting. The agenda may be changed only for good cause as determined by the Chair and stated in the record. If, after “Public Comment – Agenda Items”, the agenda is amended to add an item for consideration, the chair shall allow public comment on the added agenda item prior to the Board taking action thereon.

All decisions of the Chair concerning parliamentary procedures, decorum, and rules of order will be final, unless they are overcome by a majority of the members of the Board in attendance. 

If any person decides to appeal any decision with respect to any action considered at the above referenced meeting and hearing, such person may need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceeding is made to include testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is made.