Yoho Joins House Colleagues To Protect Vulnerable Seniors


Washington D.C. – Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL-03) joined over 170 of his House colleagues in sending a letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) asking that they withdraw a proposed rule change to the ‘Part B Drug Payment Model.’ This proposed rule could endanger access to care for America’s most vulnerable seniors. Congressman Yoho released the following statement:

“Everyone agrees our seniors deserve access to quality healthcare. The CMS proposed rule change will have a negative effect on the care our seniors receive and the access to the important drugs they need. Now is not the time to experiment with a system that the most vulnerable among us depend upon.

“What this CMS rule change boils down to is another example of the Obama Administration legislating through rule making and attempting to circumvent Congress. The policies in the proposed Part B model were developed with no input from outside experts or those with real-world experience.  CMS should have been more thorough in consulting affected stakeholders, especially considering the proposal’s far reaching implications for seniors who depend on Medicare Part B.  

“This experiment affects all Americans, whether Democrat or Republican.  We as Members of Congress, whose first responsibility is to the people, are best suited to make these decisions, not unaccountable bureaucrats.