It’s That Time of the Year Again – “CLICK IT or TICKET” Campaign Kicks Off


In an effort to reduce traffic related fatalities, the Madison County Sheriff’s Office will join law enforcement agencies across half of the United States in mobilizing the Click It or Ticket (CIOT) “Border to Border” Operation.

Beginning May 22, 2017, law enforcement officials will be out in full force, taking part in the 2017 national Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement mobilization and cracking down on motorists who are not belted.

Law enforcement agencies will join forces to provide increased seat belt enforcement sending a zero tolerance message to the public: driving or riding unbuckled will result in a ticket, no matter what state. So, while this year’s Click It or Ticket enforcement mobilization runs from May 22 – June 4, officers will continue to save lives by enforcing seat belt laws year-round.

For more on the national Click It or Ticket mobilization, please visit