Nikki Fried on DeSantis’s War on Education

Aug 16, 2022

Tallahassee, Fla. — Today, Commissioner Nikki Fried, an independently-elected member of the Florida Cabinet, released the following statement on Governor Ron DeSantis’ continued attacks on schools and education in Florida after he announced today that he is working to lower standards for teaching certificates and teaching positions:

“Let me be clear: we should not be lowering the bar for teachers in Florida. Instead of paying teachers what they’re worth and agreeing to stop politicizing their jobs, DeSantis is trying to let Floridians with no experience and minimal training teach our kids.

“It’s not rocket science: we have a teacher shortage crisis because DeSantis has turned classrooms into battlegrounds to fight his culture wars and divide our state. Allowing anyone to teach without a certificate will push Florida even further to bottom of the rankings when it comes to the quality of our education, and our kids will ultimately pay the price. There are plenty of qualified people who would love to be certified teachers if they were paid enough to make ends meet and didn’t have to buy basic classroom supplies with their own money. This is unfortunately just another fight in DeSantis’ war on public education and kids in Florida.”