Message from Jeff Greene, Candidate for Governor of Florida


’ll be a different kind of governor for Florida. One who is fearless in fighting for families. And I won’t owe any favors to the special interests who have been using their money to get their way.

It’s time we put everyday Floridians first. When I’m elected governor, those are the people who will be front and center. And they are the ones I’ll think about when it comes time to make the hard decisions. These are folks who can’t afford high-priced lobbyists. They have worked hard and need government to work for, not against them.

I know what it’s like to need a helping hand because I’ve been there.

My middle-class family lost everything when I was a teenager. I saw my parents go from owning a small business to working blue-collar jobs just to get by. When my dad died of a massive heart attack at age 51, I found nothing but stacks of bills covering his desk.

“As Florida’s next Governor, I’ll have the courage to fight for Florida’s families, and move our state forward after 20 years of failed Republican leadership.”

“I’m a self-made man and I know what it means to start with nothing and fight your way up. As Florida’s next Governor, I’ll give our working families and children a chance to succeed.”

Jeff Greene
Florida’s Next Governor

A strong public-school education, government-subsidized student loans, and work-study programs helped me along. I was able to go to college, then get my MBA and achieve the American Dream. But not everyone is given access to the tools I had to succeed. I want to change that.

That means making sure Florida’s families don’t have to work three jobs to put food on the table. It means a school system that guarantees kids an education preparing them for high-paying jobs and ensures their teacher’s fair compensation. It means guaranteeing a woman’s right to choose. And it means access to high-quality, low-cost healthcare.

We also must protect our kids and communities from gun violence with common-sense reforms. We must ensure that the sentences prisoners serve are actually commensurate with their crimes and are the same no matter the color of their skin. And, of course, we must make sure that our beautiful Florida remains that way.

Florida needs a fighter: someone who will stand up to the Republicans and Donald Trump to make government work for the people again. You can’t blink when you stand up to a bully, and I am fearless for Florida.

Join me and the millions of Floridians who are ready to end Republican rule in Tallahassee for the first time in 20 years!