Gwen Graham Statement on Trumpcare


TAMPA, Fla. — Following today’s passage of Trumpcare Gwen Graham released the following statement:

“By advancing Trumpcare 2.0, Congress is completely ignoring what’s going on in the real lives of every American family. Instead of focusing on real solutions to lower the cost of healthcare, they’ve passed a bill that will eliminate coverage for more than 20 million Americans, tax seniors and force working families to pay more out of pocket.

“In Congress, I fought in support of Obamcare because it has allowed children to stay on their parents’ plans, ended discrimination against women and helped millions of Americans who have a pre-existing condition.

We must now redouble our efforts and fight to stop Trumpcare in the Senate. I’m picking up my phone to call Senator Rubio’s office now — I hope you’ll join me in telling him to kill this bill.”