Gwen Graham Slams Trump’s Possible Withdrawal from Paris Agreement


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Gubernatorial candidate Gwen Graham released the following statement slamming President Trump’s possible withdrawal from the Paris Agreement:

“We are out of time — from stronger storms to prolonged droughts and raging wildfires, Florida is feeling the direct effects of climate change today. While the rest of the world moves forward, the United States under Trump and Florida under Rick Scott are in reverse. Scott has shown little more than lip service to remedial efforts, and Trump reneging on the Paris Agreement will place our environment, economy and national security at even greater risk.”

“As governor, I’ll stand up to climate denier Donald Trump. Florida will take protecting our cities and coastline seriously and we’ll make the Sunshine State a leader in solar energy and other technologies to cut carbon emissions — because not only does our environment depend on it, so does our economy.”