Gov. Scott: MAGLITE Should be Made in Florida – and the USA


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – This week, during President Donald Trump’s “Made in America” week, Governor Rick Scott sent a letter to President of Mag Instrument, Inc. and creator of the MAGLITE flashlight, Anthony Maglica. Unfortunately, thanks to California’s laws, Mr. Maglica is not allowed to put a “Made in USA” label on his American designed, engineered and manufactured flashlights. In his letter, Governor Scott responds to Mr. Maglica’s opinion piece, Made in California—but Not the USA?, and invites him to move his business to Florida to escape the unreasonable regulations placed on Mag Instrument, Inc. by the State of California. To read the letter, see below:

July 17, 2017

Mr. Anthony Maglica
2001 Hellman Avenue
Ontario, California 91761

Dear Mr. Maglica:

Like you, I have spent my life in business and understand the incredible work ethic and perseverance it takes to build a company from the ground up. I admire your hard work to take a one-man operation and build it into the employer of hundreds of Americans and producer of one of America’s most trusted and recognizable products – manufactured right here in the USA. Entrepreneurs like you are what makes our country the home of the American Dream and drive the innovation that moves our markets forward. That’s why I was shocked to read your letter in the Wall Street Journal detailing the ridiculous but unsurprising regulations placed on your business by the State of California.

As you know, California Governor Jerry Brown and the California Legislature have been no friend to businesses in your state. Governor Brown’s tax and spend administration has spent year after year passing burdensome and unnecessary laws that make it harder for businesses to succeed. Now, they are insulting the very American manufacturing that makes our country so great by not allowing you to put a “Made in USA” label on your American designed, engineered and manufactured flashlights. This makes no sense.

Here in Florida, we would be proud to have the “Made in USA” label stamped on your flashlights and help you succeed with less taxes and regulations to hold your business down.

Unlike Governor Brown, I have spent the past six years working every day to cut taxes, reduce burdensome regulations and create an environment where any job creator – start-ups, small businesses and global corporations – can grow and succeed. We’ve cut taxes by more than $6.7 billion, have no state income tax and no sales tax on manufacturing equipment. Our hard work to help businesses succeed is paying off – since December 2010, Florida businesses have created more than 1.37 million jobs and more than 1,000,000 people have moved to Florida because of our great schools, friendly business climate and beautiful weather. It is no surprise that while California continues to see population decreases, Florida is the third largest state and fourth fastest growing state in the nation.

Given our great success in Florida, I’m sure you can understand why I have visited California to encourage businesses to grow and prosper in the Sunshine State. I’d love to meet with you to discuss the future of Mag Instrument Inc. and the incredible opportunities that await your business in Florida. Quite frankly, I think Mag Instrument would have more success in Florida.

I look forward to hearing from you and bringing your all-American operation to Florida where you’ll be able to proudly add a “Made in USA” label to the quality products you produce.


Rick Scott
