RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. – Today, the Florida Legislature passed SB 1018, a bill requiring public notification within 24 hours of pollution incidents. Governor Scott championed a change to Florida’s public notification of pollution laws following a sewage spill in Pinellas County and a major pollution incident at the Mosaic New Wales facility last year. To see the Governor’s call for this legislation, click HERE. Governor Scott also applauded the passage of Senate President Negron’s Lake Okeechobee bill, SB 10, which authorizes the purchase of land south of the Lake for water storage and benefits Florida’s environment.

Governor Scott said, “I am glad the Pollution Notification Bill, SB 1018, passed today which strengthens Florida’s public notification laws. Following the sewage spill in Pinellas County and pollution incident at Mosaic last year, I vowed to fight for legislation this session to ensure 24-hour public notification requirements following pollution incidents are codified in law. We must do everything we can to ensure residents and visitors have access to clean and safe water, and I look forward to signing this common sense bill into law.

“I also look forward to signing SB 10 which helps address the problems surrounding Lake Okeechobee and helps protect our environment. Everglades restoration is a top priority and that’s why I’ve been extremely clear that in addition to SB 10, the Legislature should include $200 million in the budget to help fix the Herbert Hoover Dike. President Trump has already committed federal funds to this project and Florida cannot miss this opportunity to partner with the Trump Administration for a project that will significantly benefit Lake Okeechobee, the Everglades and our environment.”