DeSantis Issues an Executive Order Regarding Tropical Storm Elsa

TO:                   Members of the Press 
FROM:             Taryn Fenske
                         Director of Communications
                         Governor Ron DeSantis 
DATE:             July 5, 2021
RE:                  Executive Order 21-151
                         (Amending Executive Order 21-150,
                         Emergency Management, Tropical Storm Elsa)
Good afternoon:
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 21-151, which expands the State of Emergency to include the following counties:
Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Franklin, Hamilton, Gilchrist, Jefferson, Lake, Lafayette, Madison, Marion, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor and Wakulla.
Additionally, Executive Order 21-151 removes the State of Emergency from the following counties:
DeSoto, Hardee and Miami-Dade.
A copy of Executive Order 21-151 can be found here
Taryn Fenske
Director of Communications
Governor Ron DeSantis
(Amending Executive Order 21-150, Emergency Management – Tropical Storm Elsa)
WHEREAS, on July 3, 2021, I issued Executive Order No. 21-150 and declared a state of emergency exists for several counties on the West and South coast of Florida due to Tropical Storm Elsa; and
WHEREAS, as 11:00 AM EST, Tropical Storm Elsa is approximately 215 miles south of Key West, Florida and moving northwest, altering the forecasted counties that will be impacted within the State of Florida; and
WHEREAS, there is an increasing threat to the Florida Big Bend and inland counties in North Florida; and
WHEREAS, the Florida Division of Emergency Management, working together with the National Hurricane Center to evaluate weather predictions, has determined there is a risk of dangerous storm surge, heavy rainfall, flash flooding, strong winds, hazardous seas, and the potential for isolated tornadic activity for the Florida Keys, western portions of the Florida’s Peninsula and portions of the Florida Big Bend; and 
WHEREAS, the threat posed by Tropical Storm Elsa requires that timely precautions are taken to protect the communities, critical infrastructure, and general welfare of Florida; and
WHEREAS, as Governor, I am responsible to meet the dangers presented to Florida and its people by this emergency.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ron DeSantis, as Governor of Florida, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Article IV, Section 1(a) of the Florida Constitution and by the Florida Emergency Management Act, as amended, and all other applicable laws, promulgate the following Executive Order, to take immediate effect:
Section 1. Section 1 of Executive Order 21-150 is amended to include the following counties in the state of emergency: Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Franklin, Hamilton, Gilchrist, Jefferson, Lake, Lafayette, Madison, Marion, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor and Wakulla. Section 1 of Executive Order 21-150 is amended to remove the following counties from the state of emergency: DeSoto, Hardee and Miami-Dade. 
Section 2.  Except as amended herein, Executive Order 21-150 is ratified and reaffirmed.
Continue reading the full Executive Order here.