Attorney General Moody Encourages Safe Trick-or-Treating This Halloween


TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Attorney General Ashley Moody is encouraging safe trick-or-treating this Halloween and issuing safety tips for parents. A countless number of children will be out Halloween night, and Attorney General Moody wants to remind Floridians to be alert while walking neighborhoods and knocking on doors.

Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “Halloween is a fun night for many, but the only frights you should get are from trick-or-treaters’ costumes—not from any Halloween emergencies. Above all, know where your children are, know which houses are safe to visit and check your child’s candy haul before they dig in.”

Tips for safely enjoying the holiday include:

  • Use caution when selecting costumes—avoid masks that impair the wearer’s sight or hearing and beware of potential tripping or snagging hazards presented by capes or gowns;
  • Teach children about traffic safety, such as how to cross the street or only walk on sidewalks;
  • Make sure your children know their address, telephone number and how to call 911 in an emergency;
  • Caution children not to give out personal information, or go into strangers’ vehicles or houses;
  • Know where children are—who they are with and how to contact them;
  • Ensure that young children are accompanied by a trusted adult while trick-or-treating; and
  • Set clear limits on where your children can trick-or-treat and what time they should be home.

Additionally, parents and guardians can visit to see a list of all registered sex offenders and predators living within a five-mile radius. Florida law prohibits sex offenders from distributing candy or other items to children on Halloween. Attorney General Moody asks Floridians who encounter a sex offender giving out candy to notify authorities.

For additional tips on how to further protect your children, click 