Regulate Florida Issues Call for Volunteers



As many of you heard, or saw in person, the Department of Health and Office of Compassionate Use are not following the directions or Intent of Amendment 2.

Regulate Florida needs your help on our 2018 Constitutional Amendment to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol. Even more clearly than Amendment 2, this petition puts the power back to the people and out of the hands of the OCU. We have hundreds of thousands of petitions that need to be signed and have some work ahead of us.

First, if you haven’t done so already please download, sign and mail in the petition from here: Print some and give them to your coworkers, family, and friends.

Second, we also need volunteers throughout the state. If you have ever wanted to be involved in the cannabis industry there is no better opportunity than this! You’ll be on the ground floor in Florida networking with industry players and like minded individuals. If you’re serious about helping please message us ASAP.  (Facebook address is @RegulateFlorida.)

Join the team and let’s change the laws. Once and for all.