Minutes – 11 May County Commission Meeting







9:00 A.M.

The Board of County Commissioners of Madison County, Florida met this day in Regular Session with the following members present: Justin Hamrick (District 1), Wayne Vickers (District 2), Ronnie L. Moore (District 3), Alfred Martin (District 4), and Rick Davis (District 5). Also present were County Attorney George T. Reeves, County Coordinator Allen Cherry, Assistant County Coordinator Sherilyn Pickels, and County Clerk Tim Sanders.

    The Chairman, Honorable Rick Davis, called the meeting to order and called the Roll.

Upon a motion by Commissioner Hamrick, seconded by Commissioner Martin, the Board voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the agenda as amended: at the request of Mr. Cherry, add to New Business items No. 6. Discussion with County Architect Bill Rutherford about the state-funded $500,000 grant for Madison County Agricultural Center; No. 7. Consideration of Emergency Management’s Resolution adopting Madison County’s 2015 Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan; and No. 8. Consideration of Interlocal Agreement between Madison County and Jefferson County for Building Official services; and at the request of the Clerk, add Approval of the minutes of the Special Meeting held on May 5, 2016.

The minutes of the Regular Meeting held on April 27, 2016 and the Special Meeting held on May 5, 2016 were presented for review.  Upon a motion by Commissioner Vickers, seconded by Commissioner Martin, the Board voted unanimously (5-0) to approve said minutes as presented.

Sheriff Ben Stewart reported a complaint about a bill for wrecker service procured by the Sheriff’s Office from its list of rotated providers, led to a review of its charges.  He stated the amount of the bill was found to be legitimate and the towing rate structure used has not changed in 10 years for the Sheriff’s Office and 10 years for the Florida Highway Patrol in Madison, Jefferson, and Taylor Counties in 15 years.  Sheriff Stewart presented a paper entitled FLORIDA HIGHWAY PATROL ROTATION TOWING RATE STRUCTURE-MADISON, JEFFERSON, AND TAYLOR COUNTIES and another paper with “Current Rates” and “Proposed 2016” rates.  Chief Deputy Epp Richardson explained his research into and supporting documentation of rates for towing that included Administrative Rule 15B-9.010 and Florida Statutes 125.0103.  County Attorney Reeves suggested contacting other counties that have addressed setting new rates for towing by the Board of County Commissioners.

Upon a motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Vickers, the Board voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the Consent Agenda (1. Reappointment of Chad Thurner to the Planning and Zoning Board; 2. Approval of Sheriff’s Department Confiscated Currency expenditure in the amount of $422.30; 3. Budget Amendment Request for Board of County Commissioners; 4. Budget Amendment Request for Tourist Development Council; 5. Budget Amendment Request for Sheriff’s Office; 6. Budget Amendment Request for State Confiscation Trust; 7. Budget Amendment Request for Fiscally Constrained; 8. Budget Amendment Request for 5th and 6th Constitutional Fuel Tax).

Under New Business Mr. Cherry introduced the County’s architect, Mr. Bill Rutherford of Clemons, Rutherford & Associates, who opened discussion regarding the County’s successful grant application award from the state in the amount of $500,000 for the proposed project: “Madison County Agricultural Center & Exposition Center”.  Mr. Rutherford advised the grant was not enough money to build a new multi-purpose building as proposed in the application and recommended making as many improvements to the Agricultural Center as possible with the allocated $500,000.  He suggested to first make cosmetic improvements to the exterior of the building and address bathrooms and front office areas along with its roof.  One of the enhancements he would like to see is a front lobby and covered drop-off.  Mr. Rutherford reported the building is presently on a septic tank and asked the Board to consider connecting the building to the City sewer system.  If funds remain, he also suggested the attachment of individual seats in the arena area which would increase seating capacity.

Mr. Cherry reported the grant contract requires specific proposed costs for the project in order to receive funds from the state.  He also suggested the $500,000 could be leveraged for additional funding from USDA (United States Department of Agriculture).  Upon a motion by Commissioner Hamrick, seconded by Commissioner Moore, the Board voted unanimously to address improvements to the existing Agricultural Center with the $500,000 grant and direct staff to proceed with planning.  Discussion concerning an advisory committee followed with the following names mentioned to serve: Ed Sapp, Opie Peavy, Brian McHargue, Bubba Greene, Dwayne Leslie.  In discussion, each Commissioner could also recommend an appointment to said committee.  The Board by consensus also agreed to include Extension Director Dan Fenneman and Building Official Rick Anderson in advisory roles to the committee.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Director Lisa Jordan presented a multi-page document that included a survey of surrounding and/or similar county salary scales for Paramedics and E.M.T.’s.  Counties included Wakulla, Leon, Hamilton, Jefferson, Suwannee, and Franklin.  The document also included current hourly rates for Madison County EMS employees and a proposed $0.50 an hour increase for Paramedics and $0.54 an hour increase for E.M.T.’s.  She stated the total salary increase for the remaining fiscal year would be $8,838.46 and the existing budget would cover said salary adjustments.  Mrs. Jordan stated the increases in salaries are needed to compete for and retain Paramedics and E.M.T.’s in the area and the increases would also be tied to incentive professional development learning courses.  Chairman Davis declared that his daughter is an employee of the Madison County E.M.S. Department and asked the County Attorney if he should abstain from the discussion and vote.  Mr. Reeves advised the Chairman that he should abstain and should also fill out a Voting Conflict form for the record.  A motion was made by Commissioner Moore and seconded by Commissioner Vickers to approve the salary adjustment request as presented.  Motion carried 4-0 with Chairman Davis abstaining.

Discussion followed on the AGREEMENT BETWEEN MADISON COUNTY AND ADVANCED DATA PROCESSING, INC. D/B/A INTERMEDIX, A DELAWARE CORPORATION FOR AMBULANCE BILLING AND RELATED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES.  Mr. Cherry stated said contract has been in effect for about 18 months, but for the past four to five months there have been issues that have lead him to recommend that the contract should be terminated.  The Clerk reported the poor reconciliation of accounts in a timely manner has resulted in Madison County citizens being billed, sometimes repeatedly, for invoices that have been paid.  If the Board wished to terminate its relationship with Intermedix, Mr. Cherry reported that staff is looking at the option of returning to in-house billing and collections or contracting with another vendor, such as one highly recommended by Washington County E.M.S.  A motion was made by Commissioner Moore and seconded by Commissioner Hamrick to follow the recommendation and terminate the contract with Intermedix.  Motion carried 5-0.

Assistant County Coordinator Sherilyn Pickels presented for approval RESOLUTION NO. 2016-05-11 (a) RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MADISON COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING MADISON COUNTY’S 2015 COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN.  She reported the proposed resolution is similar to previous Resolutions approved by the Board each year.  Upon a motion by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Vickers, the Board unanimously approved said Resolution as presented.

Mr. Cherry reported meeting with Jefferson County Coordinator Parrish Barwick, who wished to enter into an Interlocal Agreement that would allow the Madison County Building Official to also serve Jefferson County for its Building Official needs.  Mr. Cherry estimated Jefferson County would need the County’s Building Official Rick Anderson about 16 hours per week and Madison County would bill Jefferson County monthly for his services according to his hourly rate including benefits, plus mileage.  The Board by consensus agreed to allow staff to proceed with preparation of said Interlocal Agreement for Board approval.

Mr. Reeves presented a paper entitled COUNTY COORDINATOR INTERVIEW QUESTIONS that he explained was a compilation of lists of questions from each Commissioner to pose during their individual interviews with the County Coordinator candidates.  He stated the questions would be given to each applicant prior to the interview, but each Commissioner can bring up other things to talk about as well.  Upon a motion by Commissioner Hamrick, seconded by Commissioner Moore, the Board voted unanimously to approve said interview questions as presented and forward to applicants.

Chairman Davis opened discussion regarding setting the date and time for Commissioners to interview the County Coordinator candidates.  The County Attorney advised the next Regular Meeting on May 25th has been set by the Board to make a decision on the position.  The Board by consensus agreed to hold interviews of the County Coordinator candidates on Friday, May 20th beginning at 2:00 P.M. by Commissioners located in various Courthouse Annex and Courthouse offices.  The Board also by consensus agreed to bring their respective rankings (1-2-3) of the candidates to the May 25th meeting for the County Attorney and Clerk to compile to open discussion in choosing a new County Coordinator.  The County Attorney advised the Commissioners’ rankings would not be binding.

Regional Biologist Daniel Dorosheff with the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (F&WCC) presented a power point presentation entitled Division of Habitat Species Conservation-Invasive Plant Management Section. Mr. Dorosheff reviewed the Invasive Plant Management Section’s history, responsibilities and funding sources.  He also reviewed the following Sub-Sections of Invasive Plant Management: Aquatic Plant; Upland Invasive Plant; and Field Operations, along with their respective Control Strategies.  He also reviewed the Permitting Program for Triploid Grass Carp.

Mr. Dorosheff stated as a follow-up to the Special Meeting at Cherry Lake regarding the quality of the lake water, that F&WCC is monitoring the plant issues in the lake for control strategies and that F&WCC would like to work with all lake stakeholders to provide a solution to cleaning the lake waters.

In reference to the old Curtis Johnson property and house on County Camp Road, Commissioner Martin asked about the status of cleaning up the site.  Mr. Cherry stated he would again ask the City Manager about the City’s plans to address the eyesore on property owned by the City of Madison.  The Chairman asked if the County Code Enforcement Officer could help with other abandoned residences that need to be addressed.

County Road & Bridge Department Coordinator Lonnie Thigpen gave an update on all current paving projects in the County and work done by the Department at the Boys & Girls Club for the May 20th Celebration and the new boat ramp on Darbeen Pond in the West Farm Low area.  Mr. Thigpen also reported on less than satisfactory road striping in the County by a Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) subcontractor, most particularly changing the double-line and passing lanes on Rocky Ford Road (CR 591).  He stated FDOT is aware of the reverse-striping problem that presents a danger to traveling motorists.  Due to a liability issue, the County Attorney advised placing “No Passing Zone” signage at the problem locations.

The Clerk presented a booklet entitled Statement of Actual and Estimated Revenues And Statement of Expenditures, Encumbrances and Appropriations As Of April 30, 2016.  He also presented to the Board a paper entitled Madison County, Florida Board of County Commissioners Budget Preparation Schedule for Fiscal Year 2016-2017.

At Mr. Cherry’s suggestion, the Board by consensus agreed to hold a Special Meeting Workshop prior to the next Regular Meeting to address and prioritize a new list of County Gas Tax funded road improvements similar to the five projects completed earlier in the year.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:05 A.M.