Graham Continuing Fight Against First-Class Flights


June 7, 2016 Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Gwen Graham is continuing her fight to ban members of Congress from flying first class with a proposed amendment to the legislative branch appropriations bill – which funds the operation of Congress. Rep. Graham’s bipartisan amendment to the legislation reads:

“None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to pay the costs of first-class airline accommodations for a Member of the House of Representatives (including a Delegate or Resident Commissioner to the Congress).”

“Elected officials should fly with the constituents they represent, not in first-class luxury with glasses of Champagne,” Rep. Graham said. “If we ever expect to balance the budget and get our finances in order, Congress must lead by example. This common sense, bipartisan amendment should be supported by every member of the House.”

Rep. Graham has made reforming Congress one of her top priorities. Previously she introduced the Congressional Travel Perks Elimination Act and the Shutdown Prevention Act, and Rep. Graham cut her office’s operating budget by 10 percent, all while returning more than $1.5 million to constituents in North Florida.